2 min readJun 14, 2021



My sister wants to go as a carton for halloween

And you know what? I love it?

I love the freedom that comes with being young and free of fears and worries.

I love the boldness that comes with youth

The fuck it and fuck off attitude

Not caring what you’ll be perceived as and even if you are perceived knowing that wont make you you and even if it does, you can cry for a bit but you have hope it will be better.

Hope! I love the hope that comes with being young and I hate that the world makes us usher it away with every year and mile stone that passes.

I hate how we lose our tenacity and audacity with age.

I hate how we lose our spunk, our spirit and free spiritedness with every number on the calendar.

I hate how the world has shrunk us and broken us so much we lose ourselves. We lose our vim.

I hate how we forget all the good things and focus on the bad.

I hate our rigidity.

Regardless I love the youth now, I love my gen z’s, I love my babies. They don’t care and I think we should all emulate that.

Life is too short to be caged.

Life is too short to wonder why .

Life is too short to second guess.

Life is just short.

Do everything you want to now and if you make a mistake, you know what you’ve made mistake. thats life.

Enjoy your mistakes.

Enjoy your life.

This Halloween go as a plastic bag. Its an unconventional political statement. Lol

p.s. Our leaders, society, culture, tradition, governments are trying everything to break our spirits., or at least force conformity and a particular order. So my awkward 20 and 30 somethings, don’t let them, jazz up to your freedom in life please!




A frazzled lawyer testing the waters of international development; enjoys diplomacy, conflict resolution, foreign policy, food, fashion, art and true crime.